Chamaya Highway, Jaén and Río Canchis
Lima, Junín, Lambayeque and Cajamarca.
The service included the rehabilitation of paved roads, improvement of unpaved roads and the construction of bridges.
Elaboration of Engineering Studies
- Héroes de Breña Highway (Central Highway): Sections Pte. Ricardo Palma-Cocachacra (15 km), Cocachacra-Matucana (20.1 km), Matucana-San Mateo (19.5 km) and San Mateo-La Oroya (79 km).
- La Oroya – Huancayo Highway: Sections La Oroya-Pte. Matachico (60 km), Pte. Matachico-Huancayo (63 km) and Jauja-Tarma highway (56 km).
- Huaura-Sayán-Churín Highway: Sections Huaura-Sayán (45 km), Sayán-Picunche and Picunche-Churín (Sayán-Churín 61 km).
- Cruce Olmos – Corral Quemado Highway: Section km 140+000-km 196+346 (56.3 km).
- Chamaya – San Ignacio Highway: Section Chamaya-km 50+000 (50 km).
- Bridges: Pte. Collana (150 m, prestressed deck type) on the Héroes de Breña highway (2,665 masl) and Pte. Stuart (100 m, continuous bridge type of prestressed beams. AASHTO type VI section) on the La Oroya-Huancayo highway (3,370 masl).
Comprehensive Supervision and Control of Works
- Héroes de Breña Highway (Central Highway): Pte. Ricardo Palma-Cocachacra, Cocachacra-Matucana, Matucata-San Mateo and San Mateo-La Oroya.
- La Oroya-Huancayo Highway: La Oroya-Pte. Matachico, Pte. Matachico-Huancayo and Carretera Jauja Tarma.
- Cruce Olmos-Corral Quemado Highway: Section km 140+000-km 196+346.
- Chamaya-San Ignacio Highway: Section Chamaya-km 50+000.
- Bridges: Collana on the Héroes de Breña highway and Stuart on the La Oroya-Huancayo highway.
Location: Lima, Junin, Lambayeque and Cajamarca.
Service worked in consortium with Pacific Consultants International, who had a 25% share; while CESEL acted as the leading company with a 75% share.