Transmission Line 60 Kv Chillón – La Pampilla
Supervision of works.
The objective was to carry out the Supervision of the Construction of the Transmission Line 60 kV Chillón – La Pampilla 2, of 3.5 km. The execution of the service includes the performance of the following activities:
- Control and monitoring of work progress.
- Check the equipment and towers in the contractor’s warehouses.
- Track municipal permits.
- Supervision of the civil works of the line and the 60 kV cell of SE Chillón.
- Supervision of the electromechanical works of the line and of the 60 kV cell of SE Chillón.
- Supervision of the 60 kV underground section at the arrival of the SE La pampilla 2.
- Review of the Operability study.
- Verification of the Quality Dossier.
- Archaeological monitoring.
The main features are as follows:
- A 60 kV double triple transmission line.
- A 60 kV switchgear from SE Chillón.
- 60 kV cable.
- A GIS of SE La Pampilla 2.