In the mining sector, CESEL has participated in the important mining projects of Cobriza and Cerro Verde, as well as in Yanacocha, Alto Chicama, Pierina, Antamina, Arcata, La Granja, etc.
In the Industrial field, CESEL covers the requirements of fluid conduction, hydromechanics, pumping, steam, air conditioning, thermal processes, energy, metal mechanics, piping, and in general everything related to mechanical engineering, required by large-scale projects and the industry in general.
An emblematic project of the Mining and Industry Management is the one developed in Moquegua with the expansion of the Toquepala concentrator plant to 120,000 TPD, where the feasibility study, basic and detailed engineering was carried out.
- Preparation and concentration of minerals (copper, gold, iron and polymetals).
- Leaching (copper, gold, silver).
- Pyrometallurgy.
- Management of solid mining and metallurgical waste.
- Treatment of metallurgical mining effluents.
- Mine closure plans and mining infrastructure.

- Basic processing industries.
- Manufacturing industry.
- Food industries.
- Thermoelectric plants.
- Hydromechanical equipment.

Services of Other Specialties
Electric Power
Hydraulic and Irrigation
Building and urban development
Mining and Industry
Hydrocarbons and Petrochemical
Metros and Railways
Geology, Geotechnics and Seismic Risk
Topography and Geomatics